LEADING LADIES Business Conference Scales Up to a 2-day Conference in 2022 by The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship in Huntsville, AL.
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Sonya Bailor, CEO & Growth Strategist, of Bailor Group LLC is a featured speaker at this year's LEADING LADIES Business Conference, speaking on Business Scalability.
The event keynote speaker is Dr. Kuan Collins, DM, PMP, CSEP, a Fellow, solutions architect master, and Innovation Factory Director in Huntsville for SAIC. In this role she is responsible for leading and driving SAIC’s digital transformation and innovation investments and solutions for the Defense and Civilian Sector. She is a Leading Lady through her areas of interest including artificial intelligence, blockchain, augmented analytics, harnessing innovation, collaboration, creativity, scouting, strategy, and mentoring.
The Leading Role track featured speaker, Sonya Bailor is an entrepreneur, speaker, philanthropist, and successful growth strategist. For over 20 years, her passion has been helping people and businesses grow to their next level. Her mission is to make an impact on the world by inspiring positive change and helping people and businesses unlock their maximum growth. She is a Leading Lady through her areas of expertise and interest including growth strategy, change management, marketing, leadership, startups, sales, communication, customer experience, inspiring positive change, and mentorship. Sonya is also an expert business coach through The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship, offering pro bono coaching hours to their established business clients as part of her company's give-back mission.
Come hear these amazing women speak, along with several others, at the 8th Annual Women in Business Conference, Leading Ladies, put on by the Huntville-based nonprofit, The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship. This event was created to bring empowerment, encouragement, and education to the many women served by The Catalyst Center from the MomBoss to the women in government contracting. This conference will provide multiple tracks featuring something for everyone.
IN THE THEATRE - For women (WOSB, EDWOSB and Women Veteran Businesses in government contracting - learn how to fill your government contracting pipeline, create proposals that will win government contracts, understanding accounting system requirements, and tips from Prime Contractors and government agencies.
ON STAGE: THE LEADING ROLE - For women in business - workforce development and the great resignation, setting goals and celebrating wins, DEI, benefits of mentoring and business scalability.
OFF STAGE: THE FOURTH WALL OF BUSINESS - For all women - having tough conversations, finding balance, surface pressure, emotional intelligence, and building your brand.
Registration is open NOW for this TWO-DAY event on August 18 & 19, 2022. To register for this event, go to https://catalystcenter.ecenterdirect.com/events/971853.
To find out more about Sonya Bailor, CEO & Growth Strategist, Bailor Group LLC, visit http://bailorgroup.co or email Ms. Bailor at sonya@sonyabailor.com.
Read original article here: https://cm.hsvchamber.org/news/details/sonya-bailor-ceo-growth-strategist-to-speak-on-business-scalability-at-the-8th-annual-leading-ladies-business-conference-08-05-2022